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Terms and Conditions

The goal of is to help customers with their travel arrangements worldwide. By using the website for all your travel needs, you consent to be bound by the terms and conditions listed below. These terms and conditions comply with applicable laws and govern all travel-related transactions made on the website.

The terms and conditions below have been accepted by both you and Your use of, the Company's mobile website, and its applications for smartphones and tablets, as well as any content, functionality, and services offered on or through these platforms, whether you are a registered user or a guest, is subject to the following terms and conditions. The only uses of the website are to obtain travel-related information, check the availability of travel and related goods and services, make legitimate reservations, and conduct other business with travel suppliers.

Before using the website, please read the Terms of Service carefully. By using this website or by clicking the "Accept or Agree" button when it appears, you acknowledge and agree that you will be bound by these terms of use and our privacy policy, which are available at and are incorporated herein by reference.

By using this website, you represent and warrant that you fulfill all of the aforementioned eligibility requirements. If these Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy are unacceptable to you, you are not permitted to access or use the Website.

Representation of Users

Some changes to the Terms of Use

These Terms of Use are subject to change at any time, at our sole discretion. Any modifications are immediately reflected on the page and are applicable to all subsequent visits and uses of the website. You acknowledge and accept the changes if you continue to use the website after the revised terms of use are released. You should check this page each time you visit the website to ensure you know any updates, as all changes are binding on you.

You recognize and agree that the App is being provided to you under license rather than for sale. With the exception of the license to use the App in compliance with the terms, conditions, and limitations outlined in these Terms of Use, you do not acquire any ownership interest in it or any other rights. All rights, title, and interest in and to the App, trademarks, including all copyrights, and other intellectual property rights therein or related thereto, are reserved and shall remain by the Company and its licensors and service providers, unless otherwise expressly granted to you in these Terms of Use.

Updates Specifically for App

The Company retains the right, at its sole discretion, to develop and release updates for the App that may include bug fixes, patches, upgrades, other error corrections, and/or new features. Updates may bring changes to or remove some features and functionality completely. You understand and accept that the company has no duty to provide updates, to keep offering certain features or functionality, or to enable any of them. Depending on how you have configured your mobile device when it is online:

You acknowledge and agree that the App, or parts of it, may not work properly if you do not download and install all updates as soon as possible. You also consent to these Terms of Service applying to all Updates, which will be regarded as a component of the App.

Export Restrictions and Rights of the US Government Particular to the Application

The Export Administration Act and associated regulations, among other export control laws, may apply to the App. It is strictly forbidden for you to export, re-export, release, or use the App in any country or jurisdiction where such actions are forbidden by law, rule, or regulation, whether directly or indirectly. In order to use, export, release, re-export, or otherwise make the App available outside of the United States, you must abide by all rules, federal laws, and regulations that may be relevant, as well as fulfill all necessary undertakings.

The App falls under 48 C.F.R. 2.101, which governs commercial computer software. Because of this, you will only be granted access to the App under the license terms that apply to all other end users if you work for a government agency or are a contractor for one. 48 C.F.R. 12.212 applies to all other licensees of the United States Government and their contractors; it is applicable to the Department of and its contractors. See 48 C.F.R. 227.7201 through 227.7202-4.

Using the Website and Protecting Your Account

We retain the right, at our sole discretion, to discontinue or make changes to this website, along with any services or content we offer through it, at any time and without prior notice. We shall not be responsible if the Website is unavailable in whole or in part at any time or for any length of time for any reason. Access to certain areas of the website or the entire website may be restricted at any time, even for registered users.

You are responsible for:

In order for you to use the Website or some of its content, you might be asked to provide certain registration information or other details. Your use of the Website is contingent upon providing accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information about yourself. By registering with this website or using any other content, you agree that our privacy policy is applicable to the information you provide. You also agree to any use of additional content on the website and to any use of your information that we make in accordance with our privacy policy.

As a requirement of our security protocols, you must maintain the confidentiality of any usernames, passwords, or other information you select or are given. Furthermore, by using your username, password, or other security credentials, you agree that this Website and its parts cannot be accessed by anybody else. Your account is personal to you. In the event that your password or login is used without authorization, or if there is another security breach, you agree to notify us right away. Additionally, you agree that at the conclusion of each session, you will log out of your account. Take extra precautions to ensure that no one else sees or records your password or other personal information when you access your account from a shared or public computer.

Whether you choose or we provide the username, password, or other identity, we reserve the right to disable it at any time and for any reason, including if we believe you have broken any of these Terms of Use.

Intellectual Property Rights

In accordance with trade secret, trademark, patent, copyright, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws in the United States and other countries, the Company, its licensors, or other information providers control the entirety of the Website and all of its features and functionality.

The Website may only be used in accordance with these Terms of Use for personal, non-commercial uses. Except in the situations specified below, you are not permitted to download, transmit, save, publicly perform, publicly display, copy, distribute, edit, translate, or create derivative works from any of the content on our website.

You must not:

If you print, copy, alter, download, or use any part of the website in any way that violates the terms of use, your license to use the website will be immediately terminated. You will also be required, at our sole discretion, to return or destroy any copies of the content you have created. The Website and any content on or obtained through it are not granted to you in any way, and the Company retains all rights not expressly granted. Any use of the Website that is not authorized by these Terms of Use in writing is prohibited and may violate copyright, trademarks, and other laws.


The Company, its affiliates, licensors, or other third parties own all rights to the name of the business, certain concepts, the Company logo, and any associated names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans. Such logos may not be used by you without the company's prior written consent. Any other names, logos, product and service names, designs, slogans, or trademarks on this website belong to their respective owners.

Prohibited Uses

You are only allowed to use the website for authorized plans and in adherence with these Terms of Service. You will agree to refrain from handling the Website in the following ways:

Additionally, you agree not to:

User Contributions

User-generated content can be posted, contributed to, published, displayed, and shared by users via message boards, chat rooms, forums, bulletin boards, personal web pages or profiles, and other interactive features on or through the website. Every User Submission must adhere to the Content Standards specified in these Terms of Use. Your contributions to the site as a user will always be considered non-proprietary and public.

You hereby attest to having the following skills and knowledge:

You acknowledge and agree that any User Contributions you make or contribute, including their appropriateness, accuracy, dependability, and legality, are entirely your responsibility and not the Company's. We disclaim all liability to third parties regarding the accuracy or content of any User Contributions that you or any other user of the Website may provide.

Monitoring and Enforcement; Termination

We have a valid legal authority to:

Beyond anything mentioned above, we reserve the right to fully comply with any court order or law enforcement agency asking or directing us to reveal the identity or other information of anyone uploading or sending content to or through the Website.

Before something is posted on the website, it is not reviewed by us, and once it is, we cannot ensure that it will be taken down quickly. We therefore disclaim all liability for any conduct by users, third parties, or ourselves regarding transmissions, chats, or content. We have no obligation or liability to anyone for the performance or nonperformance of the tasks listed in this section.

Content Standards

All applicable laws and regulations, whether national, state, local, or international, must be followed by User Contributions. Besides the previously mentioned, it can't be:

Copyright Infringement

Please follow the instructions in our DMCA Copyright Policy to file a copyright infringement notice with us if you believe that any User Contributions violate your copyright. Recurring violators' accounts are liable to be terminated by the company.

Reliance on Information Posted

The details that are available on or via the official website are purely for the purpose of serving general information. Neither the accuracy nor the completeness nor the usefulness of the information is guaranteed by us. Any reliance on such information is solely your responsibility. When you or any other website visitor relies on such materials, or when someone informs you of any of its contents, WE ASSUME ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY.

On this website, there is content provided by third parties, including bloggers, other users, licensors, syndicators, aggregators, and/or reporting services. Apart from content provided by the Company, all remarks and/or viewpoints conveyed in these materials, along with articles, answers to questions, and other content, are the exclusive responsibility and opinions of the person or organization providing such materials. These documents may not always express the Company's viewpoint. We don't guarantee the accuracy or content of any materials provided by third parties, and we won't be held accountable to you or any other party.

Changes to the Website

The content on this website may occasionally be updated, but it is not always guaranteed to be accurate or up to date. We make no promises to update the information on the Website, so it could become outdated at any time.

Your Personal Data and Your Visits to the Website

Every piece of information we gather on this website is subject to our privacy policy. By using the Website, you agree that we may use your information in any way that is consistent with the Privacy Policy.

Purchases Online and Other Terms and Conditions

All sales through our website, including those for the sale of information or services formed through the website or as a result of your visits, are subject to our terms of sale, which are hereby incorporated into these terms of use. The Website may have extra terms and conditions that apply to particular sections, services, or features. By this reference, these Terms of Use are hereby expanded to include any such additional terms and conditions.

Social Media Categories and Website Linking

As long as you link to our website fairly, appropriately, and without harming or abusing our reputation, you are welcome to do so. But, you are not allowed to create a connection that suggests you have any kind of authority, permission, or endorsement from us. This website may offer certain social media features that allow you to:

These features are only permitted to be used by you in the ways that we specify, in relation to the content that they are displayed with, and in compliance with any further guidelines that we may provide. Subject to the following, you might not:

The website you link to from here or where you make specific content available must in all respects comply with the Content Standards specified in these Terms of Use. It is your agreement to collaborate with us to put an immediate end to any unauthorized framing or linking. We reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to revoke permission to link. We maintain the right to stop providing any or all social networking services and links at any time and without prior notice.

Links from the Website

In the event that the Website contains links to resources and websites operated by third parties, these links are offered purely for your convenience. This includes links found within advertisements as well as sponsored and banner ads. We do not assume any liability or responsibility for the contents of those sites or resources, nor for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCESS ANY THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES LINKED TO THIS WEBSITE, YOU DO SO TOTALLY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE FOR SUCH WEBSITES.

Geographic Restrictions

This website is restricted to use by citizens of the United States of America and Canada. The suitability or accessibility of the Website or any of its content outside of the United States is not guaranteed by us. The Website might not be accessible to some people or countries. Use of the Website from outside of the United States of America is at your own risk, and you are in charge of abiding by local laws. If you live anywhere other than the United States of America or Canada, you are not permitted to transact business with or through the Website.

Third Parties

If you use the Website to make requests on behalf of a third party, such as a family member or traveling companion, you are liable for any errors in the accuracy of the information provided in connection with such use, including, but not limited to, the billing address and phone number of the credit card holder. These ought to correspond with the information that their bank has on file for them. In addition, you have to disclose to the third party all terms and conditions that govern any goods or services you buy via this website, along with any applicable guidelines or limitations. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless each Covered Party from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, actions, and claims resulting from the Third-party party's failure to fulfill any of the aforementioned duties if you are using this website on their behalf. You are solely responsible for any requests you make, including those regarding total charges and performance obligations. You acknowledge that the Company will not be required to give any money back.

Travel Services

Remember that there might be more risk involved when traveling to some places than others. You will make sure that you have all the necessary documentation and that you meet all requirements for foreign entry. The Company strongly recommends that you familiarize yourself with the travel restrictions, warnings, announcements, and advisories issued by the US government before making travel arrangements abroad. Websites dedicated to specific foreign locations can be found at these addresses:,,,, and More data on probable foreign entrance requirements can be obtained at this link: Information on the State Department's travel warnings and advisories can be found at on foreign health needs and dangers can be obtained at the following address:

According to the website of the Department of Transportation, dissection is allowed by international law to safeguard agriculture, the environment, and public health. Two methods are recommended for aircraft disinsection by the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Health Organization:

Despite the fact that, if done correctly, aircraft disinsection would not be hazardous to people's health, according to the World Health Organization's Informal Consultation on Aircraft Disinsection (November 6-10). As per the report, there is a possibility of temporary discomfort for certain individuals after aerosol application for aircraft disinsection. Under the Chicago Convention, which regulates international civil aviation, a government may impose a disinsection requirement if it believes that doing so would endanger the environment, agriculture, or public health. Travel agents or airline reservations representatives are the people to contact when making travel arrangements or if you have any questions about the policies of your final destination. For further details on disinsection, including a list of airline contacts for disinsection and a list of countries that require disinsection, kindly visit the Department of Transportation's website at the following address:

Travel Service Providers

When using the website and making purchases through it, you agree to abide by any terms and conditions of offer imposed by service providers offering services that are directly or indirectly related to you. These providers may be chosen by the company or by you, and they may include but are not limited to, prompt payment of all amounts due and compliance with the policies and guidelines of the travel service provider regarding the use and availability of fares, products, or services. You understand that following guidelines, limitations, and/or purchase conditions set forth by any such Travel Service Provider could lead to: the cancellation of any booked reservations or purchases; the inability to board any flights, hotels, or other forms of transportation; the forfeiture of all monies paid for such reservations or transactions; and the debiting of your account for any costs incurred by the Company as a consequence of or in connection with such a breach. You are solely and exclusively responsible for any cost, fee, duty, tax, and/or assessment resulting from your use of the website.

It is agreed upon by you that the travel service provider will be your only recourse in the event of non-performance resulting from the bankruptcy, reorganization, dissolution, insolvency, or liquidation of the company.

The Company is not specifically aware of whether any reservation is appropriate for a person with a disability. For information about whether a reservation is appropriate for a person with a disability, please get in touch with the travel service provider directly.

Track Your Flight

A tracking service called Flight Tracker guarantees a simple and easy boarding process for passengers. In addition to recording traveler flight information, the service gathers up-to-date information on flight delays, cancellations, and modifications to the terminal or boarding gate; it promptly notifies travelers via SMS and email.

To discuss other flight options and helpful advice with a customer service representative in the event of a delayed or canceled flight, please contact our toll-free number.

Please bear in mind that Air Legit, a third party, is providing this service. Furthermore, in order to verify the departure status of their flight, passengers are advised to visit the airline's website.

Exchange Rates and Currency

The Website often allows you to conduct purchases in multiple currencies based on your IP address and/or the currency you select. Your payment will be processed in the currency that is shown when you check out. In the event that you pay for anything on the Website using a debit or credit card, please be advised that the amount charged to your card-or the estimate we give you-may vary based on the exchange rate in effect at the time of your reservation compared to the exchange rate when the charge appears on your credit or debit card statement. This exchange rate may be determined by using third-party applications. The exact amount that was initially charged in the currency will be reimbursed to you if we need to credit your account. If there are differences in your debit or credit card statement due to exchange rate fluctuations, we are not responsible for them. Transaction fees that are not specific to transactions made abroad are levied by certain banks and credit card companies. If you want to convert the payment amount to your local currency, your bank might charge you a conversion fee. This means that if you make a reservation on the website, the amount shown on your credit or bank card statement might be different from the amount shown on the billing summary page because it might be in your local currency. A foreign transaction may be considered by the bank or Credit Card Company when a booking is made abroad. Your bank sets the foreign transaction fee and currency exchange rate. If you have any questions about these charges or the exchange rate applied to your reservation, kindly get in touch with your bank.

Restrictions on Airlines

Changes in rules, travel plans, and prices

When purchasing airline tickets using the Website, you agree to the published conditions of carriage and rules of the applicable airline and its offering, which may include terms of use and cancellation policies. After it is granted, the passenger and the applicable airline will enter into a contract of carriage. Although schedule changes may result in an itinerary that breaches the Company's contractual obligations, airlines retain the right to change flight times and itineraries at any moment. At their sole discretion, airlines may also add, subtract, or alter flights or itineraries.

Airlines provide pricing and other pertinent information to the Company, and the Company endeavors to publish and maintain accurate rates and information for its airline services. Should a typographical error or other error in pricing or service information result from an airline, the service provider or the Company may decline or cancel any requests made for that service before your payment method is deducted. This includes requests for services that are listed by the Company or supplied to it at an incorrect price or with inaccurate information.

Frequent Traveler Points

It's possible that the Company's airline services aren't qualified for frequent traveler rewards, coupons, upgrades, or other savings or promotions.

Code Share

Airlines often sign "code-share" arrangements with other airlines that they have carefully chosen. This indicates that for some routes, a partner airline has a contract to carry passengers to the destination instead of the airline selling or marketing the flight using its own aircraft. The partner airline's name usually appears as "operated by." For the most part, you will check in with your "operating" airline; however, you should always confirm the exact location of your flight check-in with your ticketing carrier.

Hazardous Materials

Under federal law, you are not permitted to bring hazardous materials on board an aircraft in your luggage or on yourself. Under 49 U.S.C. 5124, a violation carries a maximum sentence of ten years in prison and a maximum fine of two hundred thousand dollars. Hazardous materials include but are not limited to, oxidizers, explosives, radioactive materials, pressurized gases, flammable liquids and solids, and poisons.

Prohibited Practices

You will not buy a ticket or tickets that include trip segments you will not use, such as "point-beyond," "hidden-city," or "back-to-back tickets," unless specifically prohibited by the relevant airline. You also consent to not buying a round-trip ticket that you plan to use only for one-way travel unless the relevant airline forbids it. You understand that the majority of airlines forbid any such behavior and that we are unable to ensure that the relevant airline will honor your ticket(s) if you participate in such behavior. By accepting this, you also agree to defend the Covered Parties against airline claims for any and all prohibited activities based on the difference between the full cost of your actual route and the value of the ticket(s) you purchased.

Flight Segments

Flight coupons must be used in a particular order according to most airlines. If, prior to the departure of any segment of your itinerary or journey, you do not cancel all or part of the flight itinerary, you may be required to forfeit the full value of your airline ticket or a lesser amount, depending on the applicable airline's rules for the fare you have purchased.

Taxes and Fees on Airline Tickets with a Published Price

In order to provide a trip cost, airline expenses, and any applicable taxes and levies are either separately itemized on your checkout page or included in your fare. Your ticket price includes the current tax rate in effect at the time of purchase. Increases in the retroactive tax rate may fall on the traveler. For international flights, you may be required to pay exit and entry fees that are either separately itemized on your checkout page or not included in your total travel cost. A non-refundable charge per ticket may be added to published-price airline itineraries that include multiple carriers. Supplementary costs like paper tickets, itinerary modifications, baggage fees, cancellation or refund fees, and entry or departure fees may be incurred on some international flights. The company shall not be subject to any taxes, duties, or fees (other than its own income tax) under any circumstances.

Refunds and Cancellations

Reservations for airline tickets must be canceled entirely over the phone. Only when the ensuing requirements are satisfied will a refund request be taken into account:

We are not in a position to give you any specific time frames for when the requested refund might be processed. Once the cancellation request has been sent to our customer service representative, you will receive an email notification from our end confirming that it has been received. But, getting a notification does not ensure that you will get your money back. The email message merely contains a tracking number and a confirmation that your request has been received. Only if your request for a cancellation and refund is appropriate for a refund will we get in touch with suppliers like hotels, rental car companies, and airlines to create a waiver. We will let you know the supplier's decision, which is final.

Seats, frequent flyer miles, meals, and other special requests are all available.

Seats, frequent flyer miles, meals, and other special requests are all available. Please remember that any special requests you make for meals, seats, frequent flyer miles, or anything else will only be fulfilled upon your request. If you need to cancel, there is no refund for the $10 service fee we charged you and the paid seat charges we incurred to make this special request on your behalf. We disclaim all liability for guaranteeing that you will be allocated the seat or seats of your choice. We also cannot guarantee that the airline will comply with any special requests you may have for meals, frequent flyer miles, or other items. It is therefore highly advised that, in order to confirm these requests, you get in touch with the relevant airline directly before the scheduled departure date.

Baggage Fees and Policy

Traveling light is highly recommended in order to avoid paying extra for checked baggage, as the majority of airlines now charge for even the first bag checked. Visit our Baggage Fees page to find out more about the baggage charges of each airline. The airline and its baggage policy will determine whether you will be assessed an excess baggage fee if you have more baggage than necessary. Depending on the size, weight, and quantity of bags, airlines have different baggage policies that can cost anywhere from $15 to $200 or more. If you need to cancel, our service fee up to $12 and baggage fees for specific flights are not refundable. We try our best to give you the most recent information on baggage fees, but for the most recent baggage policy, it is strongly advised that you get in touch with the airline directly.

Certain services and/or exceeding airline-imposed limits may result in additional charges from certain airline companies when you arrive at the airport. Moreover, some airlines offer no free baggage allowance at all. For comprehensive information on baggage and any additional costs that might be incurred, direct contact with each airline should be made during the booking process.

Fees for entry and exit

Certain nations or airports impose fees for entering and leaving their territories. The ticket price as well as the fees and taxes that are mentioned on our website, do not include these costs. You acknowledge that the cost of all such fees is on you. For more details on the cost of entering and leaving the country, we advise you to visit prior to your departure

Limitation on Actual Time to File Claims

Within a year of the cause of action occurring, you must initiate any claim for damages you may have arising from or related to the website or these terms of use; otherwise, it will be permanently barred.

Waiver and Severability

The Company shall not be deemed to have waived any of the terms or conditions contained in these Terms of Use, either generally or in relation to any other terms or conditions, nor shall the Company's failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms of Use be deemed a waiver of such right or provision. Any provision of this Agreement of Use that is determined by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, unenforceable, or invalid for any reason will be deleted or reduced to the barest minimum, leaving the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use in full force and effect.

Credit/Debit Cards

Offers and Discounts

Promo codes are only valid on airline reservations. When making a purchase, these promo codes need to be entered. Our service prices are lowered with the promo codes listed below and other promo codes found on the website and in newsletters. These coupon codes can help you save up to $10 on each passenger. It is not possible to combine any of the above promo codes with any other promo code, promotion, or special offer. Without prior notice, these promo codes might be judged invalid. These promo codes are only valid for one use per customer.

Please keep in mind that


Upgrade benefit is inclusive of

The itinerary is made up of two or more one-way tickets, each with a unique set of terms and conditions based on the airline. Every ticket must be updated separately and subject to a separate change fee in order to successfully amend the itinerary.

Entire Agreement

This agreement comprises the Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, DMCA Copyright Policy, and the Terms of Sale. They represent the entire and exclusive understanding between you and regarding the Website, and they take precedence over any previous and contemporaneous written or oral understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties. This agreement and any documents directly or indirectly related to it shall be written in English, as the parties heretofore agree in writing.

Cancellation Policy

Please confirm the terms and conditions for payment and cancellation of your reservation at the time of purchase. Terms and conditions regarding payments, cancellations, and modifications are applicable to all services provided on this website.

Disclaimer: is an online travel agency. It serves as a go-between for clients and travel service providers, but it makes no guarantees about the accessibility, cost, or caliber of the services such suppliers provide. The primary goal of is to link travelers with airlines. Here is where you can alter the cost of the ticket before purchasing one. Please use the information on the Contact Us page ( to contact us with any issues.

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